Sonnenstromfabrik shows next step towards improving CO2 balance in energy mix

At the Svenska Solelmässan 2019, the most important energy and environmental technology trade fair in Sweden, Dr. Bernhard Weilharter, Managing Director of Sonnenstromfabrik (, pleaded at the end of October in Uppsala in front of an international trade audience for the reduction of CO2 emissions in the energy mix. One solution is the more frequent use of low-carbon photovoltaic modules. Dr. Weilharter was invited to Uppsala by the Swedish business partners E.ON Energilösningar AB and its subsidiary Solar Supply Sweden AB. E.ON Energilösningar AB has been pursuing the goal of optimizing the CO2 footprint of its photovoltaic components for some time now. Solar Supply is one of the largest PV equipment wholesalers in the Swedish market. In spring 2019, a cooperation agreement was signed between Sonnenstromfabrik and Solar Supply.
Dr. Bernhard Weilharter: "The economic profitability of photovoltaics has long been proven. Now we have to look at the CO2 balance during production in order to be able to produce truly sustainable green electricity."
Low-carbon modules can improve the CO2 balance in particular, even in competition with a clean energy mix. In Wismar, Sonnenstromfabrik operates its plant under special sustainable aspects and cooperates specifically with suppliers who meet high standards for low CO2 emissions for its low carbon modules.
All production processes at the plant in Wismar are continuously optimized in regard to sustainability. "CO2 emissions in production are 40 percent lower than those of German competitors. Compared to suppliers from China, the plant even emits 70 percent less CO2," explained Dr. Weilharter.
According to Dr. Weilharter, a further reduction is possible especially using raw materials with low CO2 footprints. The company is already taking the next step with its low carbon products. Through strategic alliances with key suppliers of module components, Sonnenstromfabrik reduces the CO2 footprint of its modules to a minimum.
"The CO2 emissions in the entire production of photovoltaic modules of these product lines from Sonnenstromfabrik are up to 100 percent lower than the German industrial standards and are even up to 200 percent below the Chinese industrial standards. Short-term, price-driven decisions, especially for products from an Asian low-cost supplier, are thus clearly at the expense of sustainability," Dr. Weilharter continued.